Weight Loss and Nutrition

Good nutrition is quite literally the "focus" in Focus Integrated Fitness: the scientific backbone of your strength, conditioning, and ultimate success quotient. In tandem with ASN* guidelines and our clinical nutritionist, we assess your current "nutrition component" (daily food and alcohol intake, food allergies, restaurant choices) and weight fluctuations to determine what's holding you back --and what dietary modifications will speed you forward. We'll supplement your workouts with a comprehensive nutrition program to kick start your metabolism. A food plan to feed muscle and shed fat. A food plan tailored to your body's specific needs-- with frequently-monitored, measurable goals. One that increases your food choice options, decreases your cravings and loss of control, and is in sync with your continuously changing lifestyle. Together, your Focus Integrated Fitness workouts and nutritional program will improve your fitness recovery time, your mood and your life.

* The American Society for Nutrition

“I just wanted to say thank you... Because I now love to workout. I enjoy it more, and am determined to be in shape”
—Adrienne Fragatos